Standing Knife 60×60 L850 – (P59) – Teknamotor EB650

1,660.50  (1,350.00  netto)

Poprzednia najniższa cena netto: 1,350.00 .

Technical data:

  • length – 850.00 mm
  • width – 60.00×60.00
  • weight in kg – 23,5 kg KG
  • Material | hardness | DIN 1.2344 | 54–56 HRC


Dedicated to use in devices

This knife can be mounted to the Teknamotor Horizontal Chipper.


Machine model:

Skorpion EB650.

Available on back-order


Cutting efficiency and durability:

Thanks to the use of appropriate steel grades and various shapes, the spare part we offer matches the quality of parts produced by the manufacturer for the first assembly.

The cutting knife is made of dedicated tool steel. Medium hardness.

The heat treatment method combines both strength and wear resistance in a balanced ratio. The counter knife is hardened throughout its entire volume, which means that it will wear evenly over the entire period of use.

Welding or additional heat treatment should be avoided. Such action may affect the grain structure of the metal and the properties will be seriously weakened. Which may later lead to knife cracks and machine damage.

General characteristics:

Chopper knives are manufactured in Poland from certified tool steel.

They are hardened in certified heat treatment plants in Poland.

Made in Poland = Highest Quality

Our products are not made by a machine manufacturer, but thanks to our knowledge improved over the years in this field, they are a very good quality equivalent ensuring quality not worse than parts assembled for the first time.

In many cases, the modified heat treatment process and proprietary mechanical processing solutions translate into greater durability of RTOOLS knives.

Additional information

Weight3.6 kg



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