ZEIGE 200 shredder

14,372.55  (11,685.00  netto)

Poprzednia najniższa cena netto: 11,685.00 .

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Category: SKU: WRB0127


ZEIGE 200 Shredder/Shredder

This is the smallest device in our offer. Small dimensions and mobility (the device is equipped with wheels) make the machine suitable for use in households or garages of anyone who has a problem with overproduction of large-volume plastic waste, especially plastic waste, as well as in small production enterprises.

In the case of shredding cardboards, the resulting material can be successfully reused as a filler to secure shipments.

The machine will also work perfectly in small recreation centers and hotels as a mixed waste shredder.

The shredder is equipped with a worm gear and a 1.5 kW motor. The device is equipped with a control box.

A simple control panel allows you to easily operate the machine without additional training.

Stop – Strat – Reverse.

The machine is equipped with a mushroom safety switch.

The dimensions of the filling and the diameters of the holes in the sieve can be adapted to the customer’s needs. The size of the fraction of the crushed material depends on the diameter of the holes in the sieve.

The machine is recommended for shredding thin plastic elements, e.g. PET bottles, paper cartons up to 3.5 cm thick, paper, small packages, dry bread, small bones, soft wood boards, e.g. packaging dividers, etc.

Technical specifications:

Number of shafts: 2 pcs.

Shaft diameter: 25 mm

Mechanism dimensions: 250 x 220 x 136 mm

We provide a 12-month warranty on the machine.

Cutting knife: 10 mm steel – Hardox 500

Number of knives: 24 pcs.

Weight: 90 kg

1.5 KW 3-phase engine

Shredded materials: Cardboard, Plastic, Aluminum, wooden strips, mixed waste

We provide a 12-month warranty on the machine.



Additional information

Weight300 kg

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