ZEIGE 1200 Shredder/Crusher/Chipper – 2x15KW

173,983.50  (141,450.00  netto)

Poprzednia najniższa cena netto: 141,450.00 .

Technical specifications:

Mechanism dimensions: 1200 x 550 mm

Inlet dimensions, upper part: 1900 x 1200 x 550 mm

Machine drive: Electric motor 2 x 15kW

Drive transmission: Bevel-bevel gear

Gearmotor weight: 350 kg

Number of shafts: 2 pcs.

Diameter of Knife with Shaft: Knives 290 mm

Number of knives: 20 pcs / per shaft

Knives thickness: 30 mm

Machine dimensions: 2250 x 1200 x 1800 mm

Weight: approx. 2000 kg

Category: SKU: WRB0182


Main Features:

  • A solid and reliable solution
  • Individual construction tailored to the needs of an individual client
  • Resistant to high loads
  • Dedicated to grinding harder dense materials (wood, furniture boards, MDF, HDF, cardboard cores)
  • Unique designed knife shape. Number and height of teeth depending on the material being crushed
  • Knives made of special materials dedicated to cold cutting and grinding
  • Knives hardened to increase hardness and durability.
  • The use of a dedicated proprietary PLC control that prevents blocking of the machine and increases the efficiency of the shredding process
  • Low speed and high torque,
  • Helical-bevel gear with appropriately selected power and speed
  • 12 month warranty
  • service in POLAND

Why US?

We are a Polish manufacturer. From the very beginning, our company has focused on the quality, timeliness and professionalism of our services. Our products have a very good value for money. The products are tailored to every customer’s budget. We have extensive technical knowledge and industry experience. We are passionate people who constantly develop their skills. We always provide good advice and strive for full satisfaction of our customers. We guarantee failure-free operation of the presented products for many years. We have thousands of satisfied customers!


The order completion date is determined by telephone contact.

Additional information

Weight1000 kg

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