ZEIGE 500 Shredder

54,735.00  (44,500.00  netto)

Poprzednia najniższa cena netto: 44,500.00 .

Power: 2×5.5KW or 2 x 7.5 kw

Efficiency: 50-150kg

Category: SKU: wrb0300-1


Shredder for plastics, cardboards and other waste – ZEIGE 500 shredder


Shredder Crusher shredder is very durable and reliable. Everything has been calculated and constructed to withstand the heavy loads required for shredding plastic, wood, clumps, HDDs

This shredder is also designed to be easy to clean.

Technical data:

Mechanism dimensions: 300x5000mm

Inlet dimensions, upper part: 600x480mm

Machine drive:2 x5.5 KW or 2×7.5kw (electric motor)

Drive transmission:worm gear or helical-bevel gear


Number of drive shafts: 2 pcs

Number of knives: 12 pcs

Knives thickness: 20mm

Machine dimensions: 1670x1410x600mm

Efficiency: depending on the material 50-100 kg/h

Weight:600 kg


Large-size technical plastics PA66 + GF, Wood, OSB board, MDF.

Additional information

Weight600 kg

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